
Wednesday, February 28, 2007

My Most Famous Review

I am a reviewer on tobacco reviews using the surname "Pagercat". While I have not written many reviews, one in particular has become a legend of sorts. The now-famous review is that of Penzance. For a good laugh, check the review out for yourself.

At the time I was not very much into Latakia blends, but the photo of the open tin looked so good that I could not resist ordering some. Those beautiful wafers of tobacco was so appealing and I could not wait to try it. When it arrived I was disappointed that it did not look anything like the picture had shown. There were no wafers, just a huge brick of jet black dirt. I did not know how to pack something like this so I was headed for disaster before I even got it out of the tin. I experienced the horror of the tobacco shooting out through the stem and into my mouth, the foul taste of the rich Latakia, etc. It was not a good experience at all for me and I gave my entire 5 tins to a friend who loved it.

Thanks to master blender Greg Pease I came to love Latakia and the fine English blends that showcase this wonderful leaf. Perhaps if I were to try Penzance today, my review would be much more favorable...but I doubt still sucks!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:42 PM

    That story is hilarious. But why the hell did you order five tins of a tobacco you never tried?!! I'll have to sift through your other reviews...
