
Monday, August 15, 2005

Back on the pipe

Tonight's smoke: G.L.Pease "Blackpoint" in a Sasieni 4-Dot Rough Root Light Billiard.

Finally my nausea has passed and I am able to enjoy my pipes. I admit to still getting a bit queasy at the thought of "1792 Flake" but the worst is over.

I was quite concerned that I may never be able to smoke a pipe again. Considering that I have 20 brand-new, unsmoked, still-in-the-box high-grade pipes sitting in a drawer, it would have created a small disaster for me. Knowing the current EBay market and the bidding trends of pipe shoppers (bids in increments of pennies, blasting the seller on A.S.P. if the opening bid is over $9.99, trying to sabatoge the auction by posting lies about the pipe, etc.), I would have been lucky to make 10% of what the pipes are worth had I tried to sell them.

Now I just need to get some more pipes...

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